Board Excellence provides a unique Board Chair and Board Director mentor support service. Examples of our mentor assignments include supporting;
- Board Chairs taking on their first role
- Experienced Board Chairs who are dealing with a challenging set of problems on their board
- Company Secretary looking for support in helping them shaping the structures and practices required to support the board in achieving excellence.
- Partners and Nominee Directors of Private Equity and Investment firms
- Non-Executive Directors taking on their first board role
- Committee Chair taking on their first role
- Senior Independent Non-Executive Director (SID) or Lead Director taking on their first role
- Non-Executive Director looking to grow their overall skill-set and contribution level
- CEO looking for support on optimally engaging with the board
A key component of our Board mentor service is that the Board Excellence partner mentor is available to the Board Chair/Director on an ongoing basis in the event of important issues that arise which the Board Chair/Mentor would benefit from support and guidance on the matter. We have made a significant difference to many Board Chairs, Directors and CEOs who were faced with serious board challenges. In addition to dealing with serious dilemmas, we have also helped Board Chairs, Directors and CEOs drive sustained long-term improvement in how they engage, contribute and lead at board level.
What Our Clients Say
“Kieran Moynihan has provided mentoring services to me over the last 12 months in support of my role as chairman of the board of a private equity backed business. Drawing on a wealth of his own boardroom experience and a state-of-the-art knowledge of best practices, I find his down to earth observations invaluable in helping me to be effective in my chairman role. His advice on tactical aspects of managing and leading a board has invariably been spot on, while his overall focus is always on the prize of helping me develop a high performing board that adds real value to the organisation. I warmly recommend him”
“Kieran and his team have been more than supportive and have always been willing to provide advice and a listening ear and it feels like a genuine partnership arrangement. The knowledge of the team at Board Excellence is first class and their willingness to listen and provide a way forward and through issues is very impressive. Kieran keeps in regular touch and ensures we are up to date with latest developments providing a plethora of relevant and interesting material in the field which is an added bonus and very much appreciated.”