Board best practices for a CEO and executive team
“My board frustrate the hell out of me, we put in a huge effort into producing our board packs and I seriously question if they read them properly, they are
“My board frustrate the hell out of me, we put in a huge effort into producing our board packs and I seriously question if they read them properly, they are
The factors that impact on a company’s performance are complex and multi-faceted ranging from the quality of goods/services, business and pricing models, financial strength, market and competitive dynamics to the
One of the hallmarks of high-performing board teams is an ability for the board team to demonstrate consistently strong levels of high-quality challenge and debate which not only optimises the
While watching the outstanding recent win by the Irish rugby team against the New Zealand All-Blacks, I was reminded of a strongly held view I have of the strong parallels
In recent years the major focus on board diversity has been correctly on the gender area and I have seen first hand in the board teams that we have supported
Gaining valuable insights into the DNA and performance of your board and its members over successive periods can add real value for shareholders and stakeholders. The terms board effectiveness and
In working with board teams across the UK & Ireland, one of the interesting characteristics I have noticed in high-performing board teams is that they develop a strong “gut feeling
For many board and executive teams taking on investment from a private equity (PE) firm, the board represents one of the biggest areas of change and in some cases challenge