The key characteristics of high-performing board teams
While watching the outstanding recent win by the Irish rugby team against the New Zealand All-Blacks, I was reminded of a strongly held view I have of the strong parallels
While watching the outstanding recent win by the Irish rugby team against the New Zealand All-Blacks, I was reminded of a strongly held view I have of the strong parallels
Many company boards, irrespective of their scale, do not have an accurate understanding of their board effectiveness & performance. In most cases, their shareholders have even less of an understanding
As we begin January and a new year ahead, many chairmen and board members have been contemplating the year just finished, reflecting on the positives, the challenges and now looking
The great people thinker Stephen M. R. Covey once wrote “Without trust we don’t truly collaborate ; We merely co-ordinate, or at best co-operate. It is trust that transforms a
One of the key characteristics of a highly effective board team is that they have a genuine performance culture, have a very realistic understanding of what the board’s strengths &
“The highest performing companies have extremely contentious boards that regard dissent as an obligation and that treat no subject as undiscussable” is a key finding from ground-breaking research carried out
“Boards need to look further out than anyone else in the company” commented the chairman of a leading energy company. “there are times when the CEOs are the last ones to
While this may seem a very straight-forward question, the answer in reality is multi-faceted and has a significant impact on the effectiveness & performance of a board. In the majority